Wonder Woman
Lady Liberty
Forgive me I have yet to see the film. Yes I heard that the star only was paid a paltry $300K. Senseless I know (being facetious here). Senseless if you are real wonder woman hero working for the greater good of humanity and respectively radiate waves of higher consciousness just because you opted for grace when life got so damn hard that many years ago.
That’s what we wonder women do, we strive for the higher ground, higher thoughts, higher love if you will. We wonder about life’s possibilities and remind the world to live with an open heart. We don’t settle for ordinary measures because we are called to collectively cultivate personal and universal awareness. Life chose us to awaken and so in our wakefulness we elected to merge ourselves with a big ball of loveliness that prompts real wonder woman qualities.
Face it our hearts are what dreams are made of.
We instinctively safeguard our planet – our natural earth and humanity’s soul. There are no violent exchanges for mercy or “good.” There is no emasculating, name calling, or competing with men. (I have yet to meet a wonder woman that did not adore men. That did not turn away from a man’s contributions to better her life or others. We wonder women are okay with the pleasant acts of chivalry and steady amounts of testosterone.) There are sacrifices and communions. There are collaborations. There are solutions; there are acts of tolerance, empathy, education and allowing.
Wonder women are not bogged down in fear-based beliefs. We see through the fear and offer our empathy and kindness. We encourage, not enrage. We recognize the power of silence and stillness, but stand tall when the occasion arises.
Because of our commitment to reverence we have been gifted with the generosity of spirit that only wants to guide and protect us as long as we continue to give spirit the respect of our attention. AND with this gift we are responsible for sharing our knowledge of what this deep veneration nurtures in each of us. This is a wonder woman requirement. Our mission: Stay connected to the divine feminine and emanate the gifts that spirit unfolds. Y’all just might want to dust off your cape . . . . .
Stay true,
Follow on Instagram @maggygracehowe