Dear Hil:
And the curious case of women who voted for Trump along with election nausea in the night (and day) time
Dear Hil,
I feel like I can call you Hil as you have been in my life for decades. I have followed your career and been inspired by your devotion to issues close to my heart, but today it is with a heavy heart that I write this thank you letter to you.
Thank you for being the phoenix rising.
Thank you bringing a dignified presence to the misogynist charade that has targeted you and hence all women throughout your remarkable career, but non-more evident than during this toxic and abusive 2016 presidential campaign. Thank you for refusing to submit to the vilification and demonizing of personhood and spirit.
As we gather together and attempt to re-group from Trump’s bullying, his lack of decorum, his sexism, and vulgar demeanor I would also like to express my feelings on why so many of us feel physically sick regarding the election’s outcome and perhaps why so many white women did not cast their vote for you.
Bearing witness to you being targeted by a big bully was perhaps a little too close to home for too many. How many of us have been intimidated by rage, hate, and anger? How many of us have been subjected to verbal and physical abuse? How many of us have tiptoed through our very homes fearful in the wake of another’s wrath? How many are afraid to stand on their own, and thereby, continue to accept bullying and sadly or even almost unconsciously expect sexual assault to be the norm? How many of the MANY have had the real courage to stand up and speak up to the erratic narcissist? Apparently not enough.
But you did. And with the entire world watching you did. Bravo Hil, Bravo!
For to act in the face of abuse takes vision and guts; it requires inner strength, a belief in oneself and capabilities. It also requires confidence and compassion. Qualities that I feel are being lost and unrecognizable amidst reality TV and America’s dwindling education systems. From this you can draw your own conclusions on why you lost white women’s votes. It is my guess they would be thrown out of their comfort zone and be made to confront the nasty truth of living with a bully. And while they are at it probably have to admit that an industrial future is not a realistic one. Technology is where the world has been and is heading. But that requires vision and yes technology has accelerated at such a whirlwind pace it has left so many behind. The truth is, technology will continue to replace jobs with more efficient machines, self-driving cars, and robots. Sorry. Probably the one thing the majority of us as a nation can agree on right now is that we all miss simpler times.
So I guess that’s why your supporters had such a bad case of nausea on election night and the days that followed. I don’t know any of my dear friends who slept well either. America was bullied and it’s more than disheartening it is physically sickening. No amount of consuming potato chips or eating chocolate could soften the blow. I feel like Forrest Gump and just want to walk and walk and walk until this feeling of despair dissolves. Yet, I was reminded that the antidote for despair is dedication. So in my despair I am re-dedicating myself to all that deeply speaks to me and I will continue to encourage others to do the same.
Thank you again Hil. You won. You really did.
Stay true,
Maggy Grace
A tree-hugger, dolphin-lover, organic gardener, avid reader, and supporter