The Devil Doesn't Always Wear Prada

It’s true, sometimes they wear Burberry, Ann Taylor or INC, right off the sales rack (shudder) at Macy’s.  Whatever it takes to flaunt the image of control, more control, and then even more control.  Indignant know-it-alls, we all have had the experience of coming up, over or across on their “wrong” side.  There’s no arguing here, for God’s sake don’t even engage in conversation or try—simply agree.   It’s the only way to come out with your sanity and emotional health in tact.

So often in these power-tripping, control freak situations our only real choice is to resist or allow . . . . and for those devils in Prada, I suggest allow.  Why? because they thrive on putting us on the defensive.  For some reason they get their kicks out of us warm, open-hearted optimists attempting to argue with them—it’s their in.  Their opportunity to confront, to argue, to state their “rights” and your “wrongs”.  It’s a no win.  But guess what? when you allow, you agree, the conversation or shall I say rant stops  and there is this momentary albeit awkward silence that the devil who doesn’t always wear Prada might just reflect upon.  She might wonder about her actions, her word choice, and herself—if not the first time around, perhaps the second or third.

Coming together as women in positions of influence and leadership is not about control, micro-managing or mistrust.  It is about embracing the emblematic feminine mystique. One business built upon another with wonder, intuition and trust.  No hard sales, simply endless circular collaborations-sensible, strong and sincere.

Stay true,



Stories in Ice


Final Friday; A Tribute to Molly Ivins