Like Baking Brownies at Midnight (Grand Marnier Brownies that is)
About a week ago I had the night off – from everything. No child, no social engagements, and no deadlines I was free to dabble in my heart’s delights. Naturally the evening passed all too quickly and I found myself baking brownies at midnight. The luxury of freedom tasted so good around 1am. The beauty of it all. Yes, there was beauty in the baking (sorry). Beauty that lives inside the freedom of self-expression, that pops out to affirm and dedicate itself to . . . . . . all things beautiful. As long as I can remember I have been a lover of beauty and of making beauty; however; it never dawned on me beauty was in my personal freedoms, my choice, my time—simply because they are all mine. I thought there was a certain amount of doing involved in beauty, as it turns out beauty only requires being true to self—in every moment, every choice, and in every thought if you will. There is no doing as far as I can tell; there is only the effortless streamlining of being loyal to yourself—being committed to your authenticity if you will. But first you must find out who you really are and just imagine what this would bring . . . . . .it sounds old fashioned, but beauty is as available as baking brownies at midnight.
Stay true,