Stay True

I wanted to blog to get back to writing again.  For the past decade plus  I wrote the Remedies column for Country Living Magazine and before that I was the Healing Editor (a newsy word for health editor) at TAXI.  For those of you who remember TAXI was a slick Italian glossy that had about a 7 year US run.  Now as a single mom, of an 11 year old boy, no doubt I will write about what I affectionately refer to as the momma boy blues, but not today.

Reportedly there are more of us single moms now than ever before, but I wonder if the trend is easing off a bit?  It seems that I know many women who stay in their marriage due to financial reasons.  They’ve witnessed the emotional and financial devastation that divorce handed to their sistahs.  It’s true study after study has shown that divorce hits women and children the hardest.

A no fault state like California (and 42 other states), translates to: no one is required to take responsibility for their actions, yet alone take a moment to reflect upon their actions, regardless of how unethical, cruel, or just plain wrong these actions were.  After my California divorce is when I began to wonder where has no fault gotten us?

Consider that 79% of college students admit to cheating, and consider now after Enron, World Com, and Arthur Anderson — all who sent a strong mesages to their employees that cheating is okay- especially cheating that gets you to the top, I wonder if integrity is beginning to make it’s way back into our lives? Could ethical pedigree, sustainability, and spiritualty be the new business buzz words?

Home they say is where your story begins and I don’t really know if more women now are living on their own than ever, regardless, I hope that a grand part of their story is living a life of integrity andare passing this on to their children.  Especially as we women take our place as leaders, caregivers, teachers, artists, CEO’s mentors, visionaries, and authors —

Stay True Ladies, Stay True.



Final Friday; A Tribute to Molly Ivins