No Plastic Tuesday

No Plastic Tuesday

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire individuals to effect positive change with their daily choices by choosing to not buy anything packed in plastic or plastic products one day a week, we chose Tuesdays.  It is our intention and great hope that people across the globe will connect with us, participate on purpose, and take on the No Plastic Tuesdays Pledge.

Are You Up For The Challenge?

Stay True World has a lifestyle & awareness campaign. NOW encouraging everyone world-wide to take part in their own No Plastic Tuesdays challenge.

Our challenge is simple:
Stop buying anything plastic or packed in plastic on Tuesdays. Yes that means not buying plastic water bottles on Tuesdays. WE all know the detrimental impact plastic WREAKS on our earth. Let's begin to effect change by taking this one small step.

Make Earth Beautiful. Because We All Can

See how Larry Jacobs, for GW2 Printing in Santa Rosa, owns and runs a sustainable print shop. 

Because we are committed to using no plastic in our packaging and printing, GW2 Printing is our go to for printing and packaging our postcards, posters, notecards, and more from our shop, Stay True Art. 

What Inspired No Plastic Tuesdays?

After years spent on holiday in Florida at my parent’s beach house I witnessed cases of plastic water bottles brought into the house and consumed. In silence, I filled up a glass of water from the fridge, or brought my dented, metal water bottle to the beach, yet sometimes I found myself grabbing for a plastic bottle. After all I was on vacation and on vacation all rules are justly void (as my son would happily pile cocoa puffs in his cereal bowl for breakfast). Still, vacation or not, this did not feel right for me. Look, most of us have heard about how many times plastic water bottles could circle our astonishingly exquisite planet and the offense they cause to our remarkable ecosystems (for me it is the sea, always the sea, what if a plastic water bottle cap lodged into a dolphins blow hole and how many more plastic whales are out there?). Last year I went for an entire year without buying any plastic bags. It was remarkable how easy it was to reuse the plastic-packed bags (i.e. bread bags) that we bring home from the grocery store. There were times I had to become more creative, but I welcomed the challenge. And so, I began this simple eco-challenge, which could be as easy as choosing not to buy a plastic water bottle on Tuesday. Perhaps in making this choice over time your sensitivities will increase to more than just one day a week, to perhaps learning to live your best plastic-free life.

You are on your way if you chose to:

  • Not use a plastic lid on your coffee cup or even better bring your own coffee container

  • Not use a plastic straw

  • Buy a bamboo toothbrush

  • Buy produce not wrapped in plastic

  • Reuse glass jars or invest in glass food containers for food storage

  • Always carry your water bottle & reusable bags

Stay true world,

Plastic Free Alternatives

Brands and products we love! Disclaimer: We are not supported by these brands and do not receive compensation for endorsement. 

Plant-based (bioplastics), portable phone chargers, kickstands, and pads.The fabric used to cover the chargers is made from hemp and recycled plastic.

Biofase is ingeniously using avocado pits to make straws and cutlery

A unique and practical guide to living plastic free
Reusable Bamboo Facial Rounds

Micro Waste Laundry Bags

Micro Waste Laundry Bags

Check out the 100% compostable smart phone case.

Allbirds store now in SF, NY and Tokyo.

My favorite reusable straws are made of stainless steel, come in sets of 2 or 4 in an easy-to-carry cotton pouch.


The World's first collapsible, reusable straw.

Glass Straws and lid sets. 

Tutorials on how to make your own bio-plastics at home.

Healthy edible straws made from seaweed! Marine and biodegradable.

Reusable lunch bags.

Nontoxic, bbiodegradable food wraps made from bees wax and tapioca starch.

Glass straws also available on Amazon, at Walmart and Kmart!

Delivers original, transformative, artisan crafted cosmetics of the highest purity, botanical extracts, and aromatic edibles for everyone. Their Beloved Moon Oil takes you there. Yes go there. We are loving their new Redwood line- oil or a liniment take your pick you will be walking through the redwood forest the minute you inhale. And then their are the CO2 infused honeys, golden-melt, and syrup. Oh yeah.


Stay True World Kitchen