What I Like About France

What I Like About France



The appeal of elegance and refinement with a fearless open-heartedness combined with an earthy sensibility


The ever-present cheery greetings, Bonjour Madame, Bon Soiree, Bon Soir, Bon Nuit


Florals for days especially the roses on wallpapers, fabrics, prints, men’s shirts . . . . .


Topless sunbathing sur la plage   Amen!


Park wherever


Sexuality & sensuality embraced


Endless steams of reverence for the arts, each and every one of them


Where the is a view there is a bench


The Trees

The trees of the Tulieres

The pride taken in caring for trees, shaping them, and how they are used and appreciated for shade


The colors of the Rhone

The blues of Provence

The blues of Cote d’Azurs & le sud de France


How older women dress


Another day another castle – the ancient ruins that dot the countryside


The Calanques


Bises & PDA’s partout!


Cote Roti / Saint Joseph/ Grenache/ Chateau Neuf & pink wine, dans l’ après midi


Cassis is an anti-inflammatory Amen (encore)


The pristine air in Nyons


How men shameless flirt and look you in the eyes


Respectful waiting. Life happens for the most part we are not in a hurry. What is this rushing for anyway?


Un petit cadeau


Moutarde a la Truffle – seriously


The pride in fruit conserves


Laduree chocolate pralines


Castel patisserie



Feeling at home wearing hats


Goat cheese – why is there always room for cheese?


French Lingerie – they make your boobs look juste parfait


Lunch – Wine – Nap


Asking for l’addition. No pressure we are French and we take sitting down to eat seriously. We give our attention to our food, appreciating a meal takes time, relax, enjoy, and when you are ready please ask us for the check.


Alors . . . . . un moment partager.


A Woman Walks Into a Genius Bar...


Le Premeir Jour