Reverence and Bitch Reframed
Image of the World from the Mother Peace Tarot Deck. Last year the House of Dior hip to the goddess once again rising, used Mother Peace images in their illustrious designs.
There is plenty going on and there is a good deal I’d like to say. Mostly to encourage everyone to rock the vote, for I feel and believe this is one of the most vital elections we have yet to experience in our lifetime. Bravo to the record number of women running for house seats working round the clock to safeguard sanity and reverence. Reverence. This word seemingly dedicates itself to the great mysteries of life, a word that I have not (yet) heard mention of in politics or in technology (such a reverent robot you have, lol). To be reverent is to be awe-inspired; to be respectful, and to feel there is something outside of ourselves that gives us salient moments of wonder. These are the moments that create connection, that in turn connect us to our own divinity. This connection sparks our intuition, speaks to our souls and nudges at our hearts. I guess we could say it’s a large part of what keeps us human.
As artificial intelligence encroaches upon our world, are we are loosing our sense of wonder and power? As big data continues to profile and aggregate our personal information bombarding us with endless ads that track our day to day existence AND THEN (breathe) match our profiles to food, clothes, products, vacations, etc do we have any idea what we are we giving our decision-making powers away to and what’s left when we do? If we continually shut down our desires to make decisions what will happen to our source-sense of connection the connection that keeps us safe, intuitive and trusting? It would appear tech would like nothing better than to uncover our raison d’etre and solve the mystery that reverence so eloquently asks us to honor. And yet, for all their searching isn’t tech foolishly banishing their opportunity to align with this great power of the mystery? The power that all indigenous cultures worshipped, but I guess this is another blog. So Be It.
Circling back to all the women I remain grateful to for running for office, for speaking their truth, for trusting their gut and for showing the world how to be fearless. May you encompass the mystery and might you sing songs of reverence that drown out the vulgar and uncouth. What courage it has taken to stand up and be heard among all the adversity only to be labeled a bitch. The very word we are reframing into meaning a worthy woman who stands true to her choices and boundaries. What courage it has taken to mark your boundaries, hold on to them, and accept nothing less than the life you deserve. The goddess would be proud for she accepts no abuse, condemnation, or malevolent ridicule. Once again she is rising. Techies take note: the mystery will remain the same. We are strong and poised. As Starhawk beautifully wrote, “She changes everything she touches. And everything she touches changes.” Nevermore has there been a more opportune time for us ALL to open up to the mystery, invite in reverence, speak our truths, and commit to using the truest of navigation tools – our hearts.
Stay true and please vote,