Who Made You QUEEN?
Photo: Susan Quinn, CLIQ Lounge
Who Made You QUEEN?
Well. It took some doing, but my gays did.
Since it’s PRIDE month, it felt apropos that my welcome back to blogging post be dedicated to all things gay. Soliciting my Queendom, was prompted during the long, reflective winter when the burning question most all or us (from time to time) dare ask ourselves is: “What Makes You Happy?”
I mean this used to be an easy enough question to answer, but for anyone who heeds the call to being responsible and paying attention to the world at large, let’s just say we’ve been under enormous psychological and emotional duress. Happiness hasn’t exactly been on our agendas and yet . . . . . and yet happiness remains. It’s always been around, just up to us to name it and play.
So as I began to answer the question my mind reflected upon the carefree times we all have to cherish. A long day at the beach, swimming in a crystal blue sea, and still in my bathing suit at sunset is high on my list of what makes me happy. Seeing live performances makes me happy. Music, dance, poetry readings, art installations any form of human interaction that involves art. I adore. And naturally hanging out with dear friends and family brings joy. But . . . some of my most happy times have been with my gays. Mon Dieu! The laughter and frolic, the gurrrrl, hunny-child, you are beyond gorgeousity and fabulosity (made up words, we make up lots of words). Cooking meals together, cleaning up the dishes with a playlist that will not quit, leading us all into kitchen dance parties lasting well into the wee hours of the night. We all are performers, taking the stage singing and dancing. Let’s face it most gays can dance and ever-so-gently tell you what is wrong with your hair.
Dress-up never feels so good as when one of my gays preps me for the new man date or some ‘evening to remember’. Wishing on stars, sharing stories of love and loss (true, loss, is not so happy, but I have fond memories of sharing these stories).
Hanging out with my gays life generally feels like a celebration of sorts. Lord-knows they have had their share of challenges, so for them to be out, free and being a Queen has its significance. Collectively for those who want to be, they give each other permission to be a Queen. They have each other’s acceptance. And so in my profound winter’s reflection catering to my deep self I began to honor the part of me who my gays recognized as a Queen. She is benevolent and loyal; a Queen who reigns in my heart, who remains true to herself and is not fearful of giving to the world. Kindness is her philosophy; understanding is her guide. Forgiveness is easy and loving is natural. She intentionally lives with an open heart - which all sounds pretty damn gay to me, as this is how I witness my gays living and for this . . . . . I am eternally grateful and kindly, I thank y’all.
Stay so fabulously true,