The Curious Case of the Vanishing Sunday NYT Print
The Curious Case of the Vanishing Sunday NYT Print
(And Home Delivery Service)
No reason to go into Starbucks anymore, it was the one of the last standing reliable outlets for newsprint gospels. It was always easy enough to get to a Starbucks and if you made it there say by 10AM on a Sunday morn you just might be in luck to grab the full print Sunday New York Times edition. Alas, no more. For those of us who no longer live in a large metropolis or I’m guessing New York state, actually getting the Sunday New Times delivered has become random and well, non existent. Sadly, it has become a laughable piece of conversation, “Yeah I tried for 6 weeks and the Times customer service kept promising this week it will be delivered, it was Ground Hogs Day experience,” or I must have an alt right newspaper delivery person hiding the Times from me”, or even, “good luck, I haven’t read the Sunday Times in over a year plus now.” DAMN.
We the bewildered, succumbed to more and more frustration as the Times customer service agents would spring hope at the beginning of every week promising to credit our subscription and will look into the delivery issues (but could not seem to find any) and offer us two more weeks free if only we would continue to subscribe. So we waited, hoped and prayed our next Sunday would yield delivery magic.
All over NorCal, even in communities like Napa and Paso Robles seems no one I know can get the Sunday NY Times home delivery and now with no Starbucks as a Plan B. God forbid we read it online.
You see for those of us who still read and have lived in New York, the Sunday Times is our ritual. What was once so seamless and easy --- rolling out of bed, hampering down the driveway, to the lobby, to the end of the porch or wherever in disheveled hair and pajamas praying no one will see us as we effortless take hold of the contents in that blue plastic bag was as comforting to us as sacrosanct Sunday rite would be to . . . you know who I’m about. And truth be told we feel guilty if we do not at the very least begin to read it on Sunday. Yes it’s fine if it carries us through to Thursday and the book reviews pile up for air travel, but in our unspoken rituals we must at the very least skim and begin to read on Sunday.
So what up NYT? How can this forlorn New Yorker, this NorCal transplant, get the Sunday paper in print? Delivered? Albeit I live in a cozy little town in NorCal, but it’s a fancy one, stocked with tourists and wine. I doubt I’m the only one who would like to get your Sunday newsprint.
Stay true,