Leveling Up or Why I Stand With Marianne

 Leveling Up or Why I Stand With Marianne

In my mind’s eye I can see the eye rolls as I pronounce my support for the self- help advocate who opened doors of faith and healing with herA Course in Miracles revival. Crystals in hand, I am walking forth to advocate for Marianne being on the podium for as long as possible. It is my great hope that the other candidates will take copious notes, study her language and identify with the concept that the way to heal our nation and remove Trump from office is to appeal to the realms of the higher universal laws, namely morality. She knows how to navigate these realms; he does not. For me her solid campaign slogan ‘Dignity, Decency, Democracy says it all.  She is exactly what Trump is not; she is the antidote to him. 

As far as I can tell she is the only person to strongly address the psychic terrorism that is affecting us all, bringing into the light the dark underbelly of hate that this administration continues to promote. She understands it will be no easy task to get Trump out of office through political force alone. 

As the world sits back and wonders what happened to America, she asks and retrieves the deeper answers. What continues to stand out to me is yes, she says let’s talk health care, but reframes the question to address the deeper more concerning issue, of why are so many Americans sick? BOOM! Let’s talk about the debt America owes African Americans. Her answer during the last debate about reparations helped to make her the most Googled candidate on the stage. BOOM! As Trevor Noah commented, “When you give her more than a minute to speak she has a lot to say.”

She is right that in order to truly represent the nation’s needs, wants and desires is to put an end to corporate funding of candidates. The idea that the more money one has will win elections is over. The idea that we are allegedly swapping a ‘strong economy’ in exchange for the sanctity of clean air, water and endangered species, etc is bringing harm to us all. And please don’t get me started on the tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. There is a deeper force than greed calling us all forth, if we must act to heal from this ugly division that is manifesting in our daily lives, if we are to offer our children and their children a healthy world with more promises of tomorrows, hummingbirds, dolphins, whales, clean beaches, trees (gawd I love trees), forests, national parks, and a thousands of more ‘beautiful things’ then we must move forth in opening our hearts and listen to and vibrate with a higher calling. Level up America, as Ms. Williamson promotes, let’s ‘turn big lies into big truth’ for there can be no argument against this and millennials please take note, we can’t do it with out you. 


Stay true,



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